Expand the circle of prosperity for individuals.
An emergency is something serious, unexpected, and requires immediate action. For individuals and families experiencing a financial emergency, the delivery of financial assistance needs to be efficient in order for it to be effective. At Jenny’s Gift, we understand this, which is why I’ve made it our mission to provide effective financial assistance efficiently, thereby averting any unnecessary suffering as a result of financial uncertainty.
To achieve this, Jenny’s Gift has simplified and streamlined the process for requesting and receiving financial assistance. Through a simple online form, you’ll be able to submit a request for financial assistance in as little as five minutes, and by utilizing the internet and mobile banking applications, Jenny’s Gift has the capability of providing a financial lifeline within 24 hours.
I founded Jenny’s Gift because a woman named Jenny gave me a gift that changed the trajectory of my life, forever. I don’t know if we’ll have the same impact on you as she did on me, but I figured the very least I could do is try. Jenny’s gift to me was unexpected and immediate, and ensured I would survive the tumult that was my life at that time, for one more day, week, and possibly month. However, what was most important about Jenny’s gift to me was the everlasting effect it had on how I viewed the world and the people in it. Her act of unsolicited generosity inspired me to give what I could, be it time, attention or resources, when I could, whether that be today or tomorrow. One day, when the time and place is right, you will too.
Nicholas B. Aman
Founder & First Recipient of Jenny’s Gift